
I’m Claire !

Forever passionate about travels and holistic health, particularly the mind-body connection, I consider each experience as an opportunity to explore new practices, aiming to understand holistic health through inspiring encounters.

My path

I studied naturopathy deepening my knowledge in nutrition and emotional somatization, focusing my thesis on the impact of yoga, meditation and nutrition on our nervous systems. I used my love for traveling to explore new practices, kickstarting my journey through yoga exploring Hatha-Vinyasa, Yin, and Kundalini Yoga in Ecuador and India.

I have been so fortunate to share this knowledge and keep on learning, teaching while traveling in South America , USA and France. My love for holistic well-being also led me to study Tibetan Usui Reiki, that I use as a energetical pillar.

Understanding the profound influence of our emotions on every facet of our lives is essential. Our emotional well-being not only shapes our thoughts and behaviors but also profoundly impacts our physical health, relationships, and overall quality of life. By accepting this connection between our emotional landscape and our daily experiences, we unlock transformative potential and cultivate alignment.

My personal yoga practice holds a central place in my life. Yoga goes far beyond physical exercise; it is a tool for health and personal development merging asanas, breathwork, ancient teachings, and meditation techniques, to allow ourselves to really connect with ours sensations.
Simultaneously, nutrition plays a crucial role in my quest for well-being. Understanding our diet and its impact on our systems is essential for maintaining optimal health and allowing an easy sustainable integration.

I care about bridging modern naturopathic scientific insights with timeless teachings of yoga and reiki, to cultivate a sense of empowerment and serenity. Finally, I strongly believe in the power of transmission, since I evolved through encounters with dedicated practitioners and therapists, and I am deeply committed to share it all.

Yoga is a powerful, inclusive tool, and I firmly believe that access to comprehensive health is an essential right for all.

How ?

Health and naturopathy consultant
Anatomy, Nutrition, Stress Management

Final thesis : “ The influence of nutrition, yoga and meditation on the autonomic and somatic nervous systems”

Hatha Vinyasa yoga teacher training 200h
Saphi Raices, Trimurti Yoga School
Yaruqui, Ecuador
Yoga alliance certified

Kundalini yoga teacher training 100h
Samadhi Yoga Ashram
Rishikesh, India
Yoga alliance certified

Yin yoga teacher training 100h
Santosha Institute
Yoga alliance certified

Tibetan Usui Reiki (Level I - III)
Katharina Diem

I love to create intimate retreats, creative workshops, and special events in collaboration with passionate people ! 

Any questions ? Let’s chat !

Do you have any request or would you just like to share ideas ?